Friday, April 18, 2008

Florida in Pictures

We returned to Grayton Beach for the third in four years earlier this month and enjoyed a fun and relaxing time with great friends...

Things got off to a rainy beginning...
It did not take Gavin and E.J. long to find ways to stay busy... And it wasn't long before Gavin got E.J. sucked into Elmo's World...
Land Cruiser on Grayton Beach -- cars with permits can drive onto the sand. Tourists who don't know better try it in minivans and get stuck.

Gavin and Don heading to the beach!

Some trepidation about the waves...

Gavin and his shadow...

Enjoying the nightly sunset as a family...

The crew takes in the sunset, something Gavin called "bye-bye blue sky."

Gavin and Daddy -- still sunscreened up!

Fun at the playground in nearby Seaside...

Enjoying one of the sunniest days and a cool beverage.

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