Thursday, January 18, 2007

Real Women Have Curves

Most of you know my fondness for watching awards shows. Earlier this week was no exception, as I enjoyed the Golden Globes Monday night in the company of some good friends. I also like to take a few minutes after the show to read up on people's best/worst lists for fashions of the night and other fun commentary.
This year, I am finding myself aligned with two of my favorite bloggers at
The funny, often irreverent women who put this site together have been singing the praises of actresses who look like real women and are not in dire need of a sandwich and I wanted to devote a little space to doing the same.
I couldn't agree more with their assertion that the word "curvy" has become some sort of euphemism in Hollywood-speak to say someone is overweight EVEN THOUGH THEY ARE NOT. It's asinine and it has to stop. Just within the last week, the Council of Fashion Designers of America put out some new guidelines for models, saying they want to discourage them from being too thin. Do you believe them? I am not sure I do. The rules don't seem to have a lot of teeth, let alone fat or muscle, so we'll see. The most striking thing about the article I've linked here is how one source quoted says the scary-thin ideal gets passed on to the general public through actresses, many of whom probably starve themselves to fit into the designers' size zero sample garments. That might be why the lovely and stylish women pictured here (who probably ate 3 squares a day in the weeks leading up to the event) seem to be a rarity on these glamorous nights. I say, work it ladies!

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