Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Cover Story

OK, I'm not usually one to plug, but many of you have asked me about what I've been up to as a freelance writer so I thought I would share my latest published story because I am proud of the finished product. It's in this winter's issue of On Wisconsin magazine. For UW-Madison alumns, watch your mailbox for this cover. For the rest of you, feel free to check out and click on A Quest for Quitters.

Monday, November 21, 2005


With an enourmous assist from Jenny's dad this weekend, we painted the baby's room (formerly known as the Shannon Mangiameli Suite from her frequent visits there). We'd like to see Ty or any of those other TV decorator people do something that looks this good!

Friday, November 18, 2005

Making Room for Baby

Jenny had her first baby shower -- thrown by Mom and sister Heather -- over the weekend and we are amazed at the volume of gear this little guy or girl is going to require. It has spawned some major furniture rearranging in our home and, with some regret, we realize now we can't host overnight guests anymore (unless they are willing to sleep on the couch!). We've had so much fun hosting all of you over the years, but something tells us you won't mind sleeping soundly elsewhere while we struggle through 3 a.m. feedings! Here's a photo of Jenny, Heather and 6-year-old niece Anna from the party.

Keely Smith

She still doesn't know any hot jazz numbers to croon for us (though she does like to bark at squirrels through the back window) but Keely is firmly a member of our family now. She is approaching her first birthday at the end of December. Here's a before and after of her haircut. It will grow back!

Back to blogging

Found a cheaper (free!) option for blogging so we're back at it!