Sunday, September 25, 2011

Our K-Star!

Since the start of kindergarten, Gavin has been counting down the days until his turn to be the "K-Star" in his classroom. Since his last name comes toward the end of the alphabet, he's been waiting awhile.

His job was to fill out a special poster that includes things like his height (46 1/2 inches), weight (50 pounds), things he likes to do (swim in the pool), his favorite place (Florida) and a picture he drew of his family and his friends.

The most challenging section was called, "What I wish for."

Gavin thought long and hard about this. First he proposed one I am sure most kids have come up with:

"I want every day to be Christmas."

From there, he considered a wish that I can only assume was inspired by recent repeated viewings of the movie, Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs:

"I want it to rain crackers."

Finally, he honed in on his final answer, which when you consider the fact that he is a 5-year-old boy, is not a surprising choice:

"I want our house to be full of dinosaurs."

So, here we are, the night before his big K-Star day and Gav is having more than a little bit of a hard time falling asleep. Is it because he can't wait to share himself with his class, or is it because he thinks his wish might come true?